With the start of the new year, MG Motor India increased the prices of the Comet 2025. The prices of the Comet EV are now Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 32,000 more than before. In percentage terms, this is a price hike of up to 3.36%.
With the start of the new year, MG Motor India increased the prices of the Astor 2025. While some of the variants of the Astor didn’t get a price hike, those that got the price revision now cost Rs. 12,000 to Rs. 49,000...
With the start of the new year, MG Motor India increased the prices of the ZS EV 2025. While the base model of the ZS EV didn’t get a price hike, the rest of the lineup received a price revision and now cost Rs. 49,800...