CEO Of Switch Mobility Suggests Ways To Push EV Adoption, Usage, Cut Emissions | V3Cars
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) recently organised an Electric Mobility roundtable in New Delhi. At the forum, one of the key speakers, Mahesh Babu, CEO of Switch Mobility, shared the company’s view towards achieving greater adoption, improving clean energy vehicle usage and cutting emissions. In this article, we’ll take a look at the summary of points Mr. Babu highlighted at the forum.

Increase Focus On Shared, Mass Mobility
We can buy all the electric cars, but at the end of the day, they won’t cover enough miles to make much of a difference. Moreover, electric cars are an extremely inefficient way to transport individuals.
Electric buses, on the other hand, have the potential to drastically reduce the power consumption per passenger per mile travelled. Because of their commercial affiliation, buses have to cover more miles to make (or save) the owner money. Thus, they cover more miles during their lifecycle than a typical electric car used for personal transport does. That’s why, Mr. Babu’s vision is to accelerate shared electric mobility by giving extra weightage to buses and drive real change in cutting down greenhouse gas emissions.
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Implement Payment Security Model For Faster Adoption
Considering the tight budget constraints of the transport departments of most states and cities, Switch Mobility found a pay-per-mile system more economical than buying the buses outright. With this approach, the officials don’t need a large budget approval to add electric buses to their fleets.
However, Switch Mobility carry the risk of delayed or non-payment on their shoulders. They would also need huge capital to deploy enough buses so that they can make a profit on it in the long run. Meanwhile, the state and local governments can begin enjoying lower running costs compared to diesel and even CNG buses as soon as they introduce electric buses to their lineup.
Mr. Babu requested the government to implement a payment security system so that the visionary companies don’t get their payments stuck behind the red tape of bureaucracy. Meanwhile, allowing for low-cost loans and funding would also help get such a model off the ground given its capital-intensive nature.
Support Charging Infrastructure
Considering the high-power fast DC charging needs to keep the buses running at maximum efficiency, Mr. Babu underscored the need to upgrade the energy production, transmission and distribution to support FICCI’s vision of electric mobility. The current grid may need an overhaul to keep the buses running but the installation of charging points is also a concern to support the transition to EV.
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