Keen to find out the manufacturing year and month of a Tata vehicle? How do I go about it? Whom should I ask? If these questions bother you, you have reached the correct place. Every car or SUV sold in India comes with a VIN or Vehicle Identification Number. This VIN is easily accessible and by decoding it correctly you can find out the month and year in which a Tata vehicle was manufactured.
Usually, the VIN is a unique sequence of numbers and characters which could go up to 22 units. The number of characters will vary from one manufacturer to another. Tata vehicles generally tend to have a VIN comprising 17 characters. We need to focus on and decode 2 characters to get to know the manufacturing month and year.
Note: Check out the list of Electric Cars in India
Take a look at the characters for different years:
R | 2024 |
Note: Check your car’s fuel cost with Fuel Cost Calculator India
Take a look at the characters for different months:
Let’s take a look at the VIN from a Tata Punch as an example. Here, the VIN is MAT634024NPN0****. Here, the 10th character is N and the 12th character is N. With this information, we can infer that this particular Tata Punch was manufactured in November 2022.
This varies across the make and model of vehicles. In Tata cars, the VIN can be found on the driver's side door.
In some vehicles, the VIN can also be found in these areas:
Also Read: How To Find Maruti Suzuki Vehicle Manufacturing Date With VIN Number
How To Find Mahindra Vehicle Manufacturing Date With VIN Number
Very informative thanks for the post
Reply: Thank your for your continued support.
My Tata truck vin number is MAT39932247R05742 How can I determine the year model from this number please
Reply: Please contact your Tata Truck dealer for your truck's manufacturing date.
Good morning. in Jeep compass 4x2 new, how to find out the month and year of manufacturing? for example, the VIN No. MCANJPCY5RFB05736*AP Thanks.
Reply: Based on the information provided, your Jeep Compass was manufactured in October 2023.
Thanks for information
Thanks for information
Reply: Thank your for your support!
Will you decode the EV motor Number KTZ32 X40SO6ZK *23042402* of Tata Nexon ev car
Reply: Sorry, we are unable to determine the manufacturing year of your car.
Thanks for this !
Reply: Thank your for your continued support.
MAT867017RPNK2019 Need help to check my VIN number
Reply: Based on the information provided, your Tata car was manufactured in November 2024.
VIN Number is MAT627505SAA08224 Menufecture year or month kya h iska Tata Nexon car h
Reply: Based on the information provided, we can determine your car was manufactured in January 2025.
MAT627631SLA00671 --- Kindly confirm Year & Month of Manufacturing
Reply: Based on the information provided, we can determine your car was manufactured in January 2025.
can you please confirm manufacturing year and month of CAR having VIN No.: MAT878012SAA11173
Reply: Based on the information provided, we can determine your car was manufactured in January 2025.
Can you Please decode this ( with year & Manufacring year & Month MAT627631SLA000284
Reply: Based on the information provided, we can determine your car was manufactured in January 2025.
Can you Please decode this ( with year & Manufacring year & Month MAT631549MPD62759
Can you please decode this (year & manufacturing year & month) WAUZZZ8V2G1072143
Please Confirm✅ Manufacturing Date MAT878013SAA04577
MAT853027RLN06498 year and manufacture of Tata curvv EV please